The terminal is the container of each line. You can specify properties on the terminal that will be used as default values for it's children.
The following props are available:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
startDelay | number | 600 | Delay before animation, in ms. |
typeDelay | number | 90 | Delay between each typed character, in ms. |
lineDelay | number | 1500 | Delay between each line, in ms. |
progressLength | number | 40 | Number of characters displayed as progress bar. |
progressChar | string | '█' | Character to use for progress bar. |
progressPercent | number | 100 | Max percent of progress. |
progressDelay | number | 90 | Delay between each progress character, in ms. |
spinnerType | string | dots | Type of each spinner, defaults to dots . |
spinnerFrameDelay | number | 80 | Delay between each spinner frame, in ms. |
spinnerDuration | number | 1.5 | Seconds to wait before finishing each spinner's animation. |
cursor | string | '▋' | Character to use for cursor. |
lazy | boolean | false | Only start the animation when the terminal enters the viewport. |
forwardButton | boolean | false | Whether to a show the fast forward button. |
restartButton | boolean | false | Whether to a show the restart button. |
Emitted events:
Name | Argument | Description |
start | none | Emitted only once, when the terminal first starts it's animation. |
before-new-line | HTMLElement | Emits the next line's HTML Element before it's shown. |
fast-forward | none | Emitted when the user clicks on the fast forward button. |
finish | none | Emitted when the terminal finished it's animation. |
restart | none | Emitted when the user clicks on the restart button. Note: this will not trigger a start event afterwards. |
Simple output, no typing.
Props: lineDelay
<vt-text>Hello there!</vt-text>
Simple prompt with animated user input and cursor.
Props: lineDelay
, typeDelay
, prompt
The prompt specifies the characters that are displayed before each line, for example, to indicate command line inputs or interpreters (like >>> for Python). By default, Termynal displays a $
before each user input line.
<vt-input>the default input</vt-input>
<vt-input prompt=">>>">python prompt</vt-input>
<vt-input prompt="(.env)">custom env prompt</vt-input>
Animated progress bar.
Props: lineDelay
, progressLength
, progressChar
, progressPercent
, progressDelay
, prefix
<vt-progress />
<vt-progress :progress-length="45" progress-char="." />
<vt-progress :progress-percent="69" />
<vt-progress prefix="Calculating:" :progress-length="26" />
Spinner since 1.1.0
Animated spinner that shows through a given amount of time.
See every type of spinner at the examples page.
props: type
, frameDelay
, duration
, prefix
<vt-spinner />
<vt-spinner type="aesthetic" />
<vt-spinner type="aesthetic" prefix="Installing" />