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Vue-Termynal takes the approach of using selectors with a single level of specificity, while using classes that are very specific to Vue-Termynal to avoid collisions with your app.

All classes within Vue-Termynal use the vt__ prefix, and selectors are generally a single classname.

In order to override a default property in your app, you should add one level of specificity. The easiest way to do this, is to add .v-termynal before the vt__* selector if you want to adjust all instances of Vue-Termynal, or add your own classname if you just want to affect one.

    <vt-input>pip install spaCy</vt-input>
    <vt-progress />
    <vt-text>Successfully installed spacy</vt-text>

  <v-termynal class="bold-termynal">
    <vt-input>pip install spaCy</vt-input>
    <vt-progress />
    <vt-text>Successfully installed spacy</vt-text>

<style scoped>
/* Applies to both terminals */
.v-termynal .vt__line {
  line-height: 3;

/* Only applies to the second one */
.bold-termynal .vt__line {
  font-weight: bold;

To change the style of the terminal window itself you don't need to use any vt__ prefixed class:

  <v-termynal class="termynal">
    <vt-input>pip install spaCy</vt-input>
    <vt-progress />
    <vt-text>Successfully installed spacy</vt-text>

<style scoped>
.termynal {
  width: 850px;
  padding: 35px 25px;

Changing colors

Colors are defined with native css variables, the defaults are:

:root {
  --vt-color-bg: #252a33;
  --vt-color-text: #eee;
  --vt-color-text-subtle: #a2a2a2;
  --vt-color-btn: #aebbff;
  --vt-color-btn-hover: #fa0;

Example for a light theme:

  <v-termynal class="light-termynal" forward-button restart-button>
    <vt-input>pip install spaCy</vt-input>
    <vt-progress />
    <vt-text>Successfully installed spacy</vt-text>

<style scoped>
.light-termynal {
  --vt-color-bg: #ddd;
  --vt-color-text: #1a1e24;
  --vt-color-text-subtle: #d76d77;
  --vt-color-btn: #881823;
  --vt-color-btn-hover: #460c12;

Prompt styles

To make prompts easy to customise and style, they are defined as :before pseudo-elements:

/* Default style of prompts */
[vt__prompt]::before {
  margin-right: 0.75em;
  color: var(--color-text-subtle);

/* Make only >>> prompt red */
[vt__prompt=">>>"]::before {
  color: red;

Cursor animation

You can change the cursor animation by using the [vt__cursor]::after css selector:

[vt__cursor]::after {
  animation: blink 0.2s infinite;